Suggest Entertainers.
Help us find great entertainment by suggesting an act you've seen or performing yourself. We appreciate everyone's ideas, but as you can imagine we cannot accept every suggested or applied act due to budget and timing. We typically have large music acts booked before June, and all musical acts and drag acts by July 1st. Please take this into account if you're submitting close to the event, we may not be able to follow-up on your suggestion this year. But we'll have it on our radar already for next year!
Suggest a Performer
Use this form to tell us about an awesome concert or musical performer you have seen or heard about. Even if you don't know a lot, give us as much as we can so we can see what you're interested in and review it during our entertainment selection.
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I want to perform!
Use this form to tell us about your band, act or drag performing. This is a great way to be considered and put on our radar. Please provide as much information as you can in the form as they're all consideration factors for us. Note, all performers are required to submit performance examples (online video is fine) for consideration. Before booking, a set list and contract are required.